Monday, September 5, 2016

It's that time of year!!

Time to wintersow!  What the heck is that?  Time to plant your cold hardy and pre-spring vegetables. Root vegetables can be planted now for harvest in the spring. Cold hardy perennial vegetables can be planted and harvested throughout the winter, location dependent

Here in the high desert, I've sewn 2 types of kale, 2 types of rutabagas, 2 types of parsnips, beets and Swiss chard.  These are in a raised bed with a net to keep the birds out long enough to have plants grow. Once the real chill sets in and nights approach freezing, the net cover will be replaced with heavier but translucent non-woven fabric or clear plastic.

In past years, I've been able to harvest kale and chard several  times during the winter. The root vegies are new to me.

Although they are mid-website change, is a great place to learn more if you are a beginner like me. Methods to get a jump on spring are also on the website.

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